"I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear." - Joan Didion

Friday, November 20, 2009

November 21, 2008

Russ' ICP was as low as 12 today (a normal person's ICP is 10 or less, so 12 was very good). Not constantly, mind you, but during my visits I only saw it hit 30 once, and that was because the nurses were suctioning or doing some other thing they had to do. Even though the ICP number is very important and the nurses do whatever they can to keep it low (medications, ice packs around his head, air conditioning on full blast, the lights turned off, etc.), they also have to do things like suction fluid from his lungs, and turn his body to the side every few hours propped up with pillows so he gets enough circulation. Of course those things tend to aggravate the ICP number, so it's a very delicate balancing act of competing needs. But overall, it was a day like the first two, so I was satisfied.

One other note: the ventilator (helping Russ to breathe) originally was at 90% oxygen mix (normal air you and I breathe is about 21% oxygen mix) and is now at around 55% oxygen mix, which means his body is better able to take in the air and oxygenate his blood, which in turn carries oxygen to his brain. So the short answer is that's a positive sign.

I did get a chance to speak with Officer Adams today, and while he really didn't have much additional information to share with regard to the accident, we did speak for a moment about the woman driving the car who hit Louie. As far as I gathered, she wasn't drunk, or on anything; she had seen the two motorcycles pass by, go over the hill, she came over the hill shortly after, and seeing Russ' bike headlight from the shoulder looked around for the 2nd motorcycle. She never saw Louie - she only felt her car hit him. I write this because I can't imagine what she must feel like to know she killed someone in her car... as bad as I feel that he's gone and I know Loretta is devastated, I don't think there is anything that anyone can do to that woman that she isn't going to do to herself, a hundred times over, for the rest of her life. My heart goes out to her... when I say my prayers for Russ and for Louie's family, I can't help but say a few for that poor woman.

Russ' son Trevor arrived earlier this evening from England (where he lives with his mom) and he came to the hospital to see his dad. Before he did, I kept him out in the hall and explained the extent of the injuries, and described what he would see in the hospital room. Trevor listened quietly, and after I felt I had prepared him with enough information, we took him in. I was very proud of him.. if he was distressed (and how could he not be) he didn't show it. I worry about what Trevor is feeling about all of this; but I did tell him that his dad is going to be happy to see him WHEN he wakes up.

I think I am ready to go to updates when we hit some good benchmarks (as opposed to daily), but I appreciate everything you have been doing to keep everyone informed. If at any time you would like to know how Russ is doing just shoot me a message and I will be happy to tell you.

God bless you all,


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