"I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear." - Joan Didion

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Won't Be Long Now...

well...as our wedding pictures so plainly and obviously show, i had put on a little weight. i had been sick and wasn't going to the gym, and stopped riding on the weekends and (unfortunately) at the same time was eating all the wrong things...and LOTS of them!! so now...the wedding and reception are over...i'm feeling better, it's the beginning of june and i realize i've only got a couple few months before our annual 'amtrak century'. i head on back to the gym and to my absolute disgust, tip the scale at 237-1/2. i thought for quite a while that it was broke but after double checking on the scale we have at work it was confirmed...i was a lard ass!! so...my goal was to get back to the weight i was for last years century which was somewhere around 222 - 224. My 'ultimate' goal has always been to get down to 210...although that has been more my 'fantasy' weight as opposed to a reality weight. Well....that fantasy is getting closer and closer to a reality all the time. as of this morning, after finishing up the tues morning spin class, i weighed in at 216. a full 21-1/2 lbs lighter than 2 months ago, BUT...much more important, only 6 measly pounds away from my 'ultimate' goal. with a little bit of luck (and quite a few more spin classes) i might even get pretty damn close to 210 for the century.

just in case anyone is interested, the thing that has made the 'most' difference (other than the constant exercise of course) is that i have pretty much given up sugar. that has always been one of the main points driven home for the 'atkins' diet and now for the latest rave, the 'south beach' diet. they also list caffeine and alcohol, but i always drink a cup of coffee before each work out and i do have 1 beer a week (oh yeah....and last sunday i had a small bowl of rocky road!! mmmmmmm...it was soooooo GOOD!).

things are going well here, shirley should be starting her 'real' job around the 8th. trevor's doing good 'across the pond'. if you ever want to chat with him he is on AIM quite a bit. his sign on is DragonMaster9066. and just for the hell of it, his e-mail is
dragon_master606@hotmail.com. Ummmm, there's suppose to be an 'underscore' between dragon and master but you can barely see it because the whole thing is underlined.

k, well...gotta go get ready for work

love to you all...Russ

(email to the family, dated August 26, 2003, approximately three months after our wedding)

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